It’s time to wake up and smell the water!  Did you know that aluminum, an extremely toxic metal, could be in your drinking water?  Scientists have known since 1911 that aluminum causes brain damage, but it is still being added to tap water to remove particulates.  According to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock studies have linked aluminum additives in the tap water to higher levels of Alzheimer’s dementia.  The aluminum accumulates in restricted areas of the brain that are the same areas affected by Alzheimer’s.  Doctors believe that aluminum interferes with critical enzymes and cell processes that are crucial to brain function.

Dr. Blaylock suggests several supplements that have been found to counteract the ill effects of aluminum including Bee Propolis, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Chelators such as Feralex G, compounds which remove excess metal from the body.  Acid forming foods, such as coffee, cheese, meat, black and green tea, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, spinach and radishes help to dissolve aluminum.  Because aluminum can be found in some foods, read the nutritional information on the prepared foods you buy and do NOT purchase those with added aluminum.  Aluminum cooking pans can leach it into the food you are preparing if you cook in the pan for a long time so use glass or stainless steel if possible.  This toxic metal is found in high levels in soybeans and in antacids.  If you suspect that you have been or are being exposed to excessive aluminum you can be tested for exposure to it with a hair analysis.  The bottom line is: Be aware of the dangerous elements in your environment and your food!

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