Did you know that thyroid disease is more common than heart disease or diabetes? Nearly 30 million Americans are aware of their thyroid issues, but another 15 million are not. January is Thyroid Awareness Month; a time intended to make more of us knowledgeable about the Thyroid Awareness Month Butterfly Logoimportance of the thyroid gland to our overall health.  The thyroid gland is small, located below the Adam’s apple, and it plays a vital role in our bodies, greatly influencing a body’s well being. There are two main thyroid issues that can affect your health, but which are often attributed to other health concerns, including aging, heart disease or anxiety.   The slowing down of thyroid processes is known as hypothyroidism, while the process acting in overdrive is known as hyperthyroidism. Both can be traumatic for the body, and can dramatically affect one’s mood and overall health.

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. Although there are several possible causes for hypothyroidism, the result can make one feel fatigued and cause hair loss and weight gain. Hyperthyroidism is the exact opposite. Here, the thyroid produces too much of the thyroid hormone, causing one’s pulse to race and may cause overheating, weight loss and anxiety.

Are You At Risk?

Are you at risk for thyroid disease? Take a look at your family health history. A close relative with a history of thyroid disease may put you at a greater risk, as the disease often runs in families. There are also more cases seen in women than men.  Many cases of thyroid disease are caused by autoimmune diseases such as Graves disease or Hashimoto’s syndrome.

What Can You Do?

So how can you make sure your thyroid gland is in the clear? First, it’s important to recognize that there are many symptoms of thyroid disease, and the best way to test for a thyroid condition is to get thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4 Total tests.  These tests are very simple blood tests used to check the condition of this vital gland. It may also be a good idea to perform a self Neck Check to look for thyroid nodules. While most nodules are benign, some are not and thyroid cancer is one of the easiest cancers to treat, especially when it’s caught early.

In the New Year, take advantage of a clean slate and visit your doctor to ensure that you are starting the year off on the right foot by including these tests and awareness of your thyroid health in your plans for a healthy year!

Written by www.labtestingnow.com

Image courtesy of http://www.diabetesmine.com/2013/01/thyroid-isms-beware-tricky-symptoms-and-questionable-care.html/thyroid-awareness-month-butterfly-circle-logo